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From moldering away in old bookstores this collection was the purpose of Pietan Publications.

Melissa Ojala

May 27, 2024

Pietan Publications began its journey when Warren rescued the first vol and its following volumes.

Pietan began when Warren perused the shelves of old books and came across the first volume of thirty sermons. As an avid reader—and as a seeking Christian—Warren bought the book. His uncle had a small booklet but no other volumes were available. That's when Warren took the Memoirs and the thirty sermons in it and compiled it into four volumes plus a Memoir of George Whitfield's work in the Great Awakening on the European and American continents.

George Whitfield and the Wesley brothers were in their dorm room troubled in conscience. They had all felt the work of God moving on their souls at about the same time. Alarmed, they labored the rest of their lives to stir up souls to be awakened and to call them to repent and be saved. Fortunately, in a time without microphones, George's voice was heard like a bell that rang out for crowds to hear.

After studying God's word and finding his soul's depravity Warren also found the grace to believe. This teaching has prevailed despite Satan and its mockery. Sin and Grace are the entire theme of believers and awakenings have stirred souls in all the awakenings God sends. This movement has had the hand of God on it. God has taken the foolish means of lowly sinners' sins and by His grace alone made men to be transformed.

There's no other assurance than this that a far greater and higher purpose than a man could imagine set Him on high for the price of one's soul. Christ Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. He sends the Spirit where He wills and moves upon man as a mighty rushing wind. When Mr. Whitfield and the Wesley brothers stumbled upon this with burdened hearts; they worked with this same Spirit's hand on millions.

God works in mysterious ways. The Churches in those days were political stations mixed with secular town meetings. But despite the opposition from the Churches God sent Whitfield without the camp. There were large camp meetings where God's Spirit moved mightily on the masses. Destruction of Satan and outpouring of God's grace were the results.

Warren labored his entire life publishing these books educating himself as he went. He had a local woman use the computer to do book design. His name Pietan is a cross between a Pietist and Puritan mix. He had wanted to use Old Paths but the name was already taken. Since the material was from both sects and his books have the theme of the cross, Warren came up with the name, Pietan Publications.

As books became available mostly in larger bookstores, this little sole proprietor operation has recently been made more open to the public online. The new twist has been to get the books into the hands of the general public for the health of the spiritual portion of man. America's rich history deserves this blessing as part of its heritage.

One book after another was added to Pietan's collections. Included are the C.O. Rosenius books from the Laestadian Awakening Movement. This movement was one that Warren was born into with his father Tim Ojala and his mother Laurel Ojala. The family is centered on work ethics, the sin and grace teachings, and serving others. Tim Ojala has been a preacher for years. This was in the New Ipswich, NH congregation. As Warren, the first-born of the pair, grew up in the church he still attends, began his journey and searches led him to the bookstore. Later, books, that support the teaching of the cross, were added from this Awakening Movement; to Pietan's collections.

Many prayers over the spiritual health of our country and many sighs for yet another chance of this outpouring have been claimed for God's glory. We ask for your love, support, and prayers as we continue this ministry.

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