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How can I believe when my sins are so great?

Melissa Ojala

Jul 23, 2024

My sins are so great—how can they possibly be forgiven?

Many see their sins as too great for the Lord's forgiveness. They think they're the only ones with sins as deep and abominable as theirs. Why are their sins so troubling? This is because they've yet to gather the comforts the Savior offers through His wounds and the covering of His righteousness. These troubling sins are indeed abominable. But there are plenty of people who have been redeemed with such sins.

This places grace and mercy in God who is equally just and holy as he is merciful and compassionate. This outpouring of Grace is a fountain of righteousness and peace from God alone.

He has offered this covering when you were given grace. This emboldens others to come and be redeemed as well. Matthew Henry states in his commentaries: that when others see how one sinner with sins such as theirs is saved, they too can come. And someone who hasn't committed these deep sins will say if God has forgiven such a one, surely he'll forgive me as well.

God hasn't placed a condition on what is forgiven or to what depth only that you come! Unbelief is more hideous than any other sin because with all its pretenses it keeps one from faith. It locks one away so they can't become humble partakers of mercy.

Some might forbid one in such a state; from taking part in the redeemer's offer because they're righteous. But this too is wrong. It's to limit God and place themselves as a Judge. The Pharisees did so not realizing that God's eyes are ten thousand times brighter than the sun. He sweeps the earth beholding the good and evil even to the thoughts and intents of the heart.

If you have troubling thoughts and tremble at God's holiness this is well. It leaves you to reach a deeper understanding of the wholeness and depth of God's love and truth on your behalf. Your sins are indeed great and awful. They don't deserve anything but the wrath of God. But Jesus has a great purpose of grace to you if you hate your sins and repent; he is willing to forgive them.

You will not be able to excuse nor enjoy your misdeeds in this graced state because Jesus' love is such that it weans your heart to Himself. If you wish to speak to anyone who has been here in this place you'll find that they too experienced forgiveness and become partakers of it. This fellowship makes unlikely people thrown together with a common cause and this is salvation.

The Peace of God bestowed on wretches whose lives are not worth much compared to the great and precious hope of eternal life. This shared Hope draws, sanctifies, and enlightens lost sinners with a common aim. To persevere as Saints and enter that eternal Hope.

The thing about unbelief is that we can't believe with our reason or strength. The best we can do is sigh "I believe, Lord, help thou my unbelief." The best thing to be understood here is that faith is a gift from God. With this gift, you're granted the faith to believe and the grace to continue in grace. He keeps us and prevents us from falling.

This is the picture of the heavenly Father, looking on and providing you with ALL He has for you as His child. He offered the sacrifice, His only son, to take your place. It's in His will that you be spared.

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